Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nutridan Omega-3 - Cook without losing all the vitamins and mineral!

Nutridan Omega-3

NUTRIDAN is unique cooking oil due to its versatile characteristics and ability to form part of any meal supplementing the consumer with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, compared to other cooking oils. Omega-3 is a healthy alternative to any traditional fat which is normally used during any type of cooking; baking, frying, marinating etc. NUTRIDAN is produced from nature’s best and finest vegetable raw materials and our know-how within the field of fats and oils is based upon more than 35 years of science and development within lipids. 

Normally we get our omega-3 from fat fish (in particular salmon, herring, eel and mackerel) and are familiar with its beneficial impact upon our health. But as we cannot produce these ourselves within our body, we need to get them through our food. So... unless you eat fat fish 2-4 times a week, the body has an essential need for a kind of an additional supplement. This can be done by integrating NUTRIDAN as the healthy alternative during any kind of cooking. NUTRIDAN is a new, vegetable oil and a really good source to the healthy and essential omega-3 fatty acids that are so beneficial to all positive processes in the body - among adults and kids.

Nutridan Omega-3 oil produced from oil from canola and flaxseed and is thus 100% vegetable and cholesterol (2.8 mg per 100 g). Nutridan Omega-3 oil is a vegetable oil, developed and manufactured under a gentle production process, so the oil is 100% stable and thus made ​​applicable to all types of cooking - even roasting and baking. It is easy to work with, and retains its high content of Omega-3 fatty acids even after frying or baking.

Nutridan Omega-3 oil is one of many products on the background of 35 years experience in development and research on lipids. Founder and Director of International Food Science Centre A / S Vijai Shukla is doctorate in biochemistry and professor of human nutrition and food chemistry, and especially thanks to his ideas and action, we are now a supplier and research center for companies worldwide in cosmetics and particularly the food industry.

The Food Whipserer Show

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