Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oxygen 4 Energy - Take you Game to the Next Level!

FACT 1: OXYGEN combines with glucose to create ATP, the main energy source for your muscles. The more ATP your muscles have, the more powerful and explosive they will be.

FACT 2: When your muscles don't receive enough OXYGEN to support their exertion, they begin to produce lactic acid, which can cause muscle fatigue and failure. The more OXYGEN your muscles receive, the slower the production of lactic acid and the slower the rate of muscle fatigue.

FACT 3: OXYGEN is needed by your body to metabolize lactic acid in the liver AFTER exercise. The more OXYGEN you get into your body POST-exercise, the faster your muscles can recover.

Oxygen4Energy is the most effective way to flood your body with oxygen BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER EXERTION. Once you try it, you'll see why so many top athletes in so many different sports can't stop raving about it!

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I believe that empowerment through knowledge gives a better understand of the mounting issues facing our great nation and the world we live in. With empowerment comes potent and effective change through consumer buying power, active involvement or the constitutional right of speech which can greatly impact the increased economic demand for goods and services that provide that are environmentally accountable. We are proud to endorse, broadcast and promote companies, organizations and individuals that are making a difference with goods, services and Activism that promote viable solutions to the environmental issues facing our world, today.