Saturday, November 26, 2011

Formor International Argenix™ - Cardo Health is improtant as ever!

Formor International
ForMor International has launched a powerful new Arginine-based product called Argenix. L-Arginine is a vitally important amino acid that has been studied for more than fifty years. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein is the building block of all living cells. The greatest portion of human body weight, after water, is protein. On the cellular level, the principal function of DNA is to provide the "blueprints" for production of hundreds of different proteins, each constructed from unique sequences of amino acids that are held together by peptide bonds. There are more than twenty commonly known amino acids, and additional amino acids are periodically identified, classified, and studied.

The body actually manufactures arginine by digesting the proteins in many foods. Due to the aging process and unhealthy lifestyle and diet, the synthesis of L-Arginine can be retarded. L-Arginine supplements appear to enhance the synthesis of nitric oxide (a gas) in the cells that line the blood vessels. This helps dilate vessel walls, improve blood flow around the heart and it may help lower blood pressure. In fact, nitric oxide ranks as the body's most potent blood vessel expander. L-Arginine supplements may also inhibit the buildup of plaque and other substances that can harden blood vessels. L-Arginine, like most amino acids, can have one of two forms. The first is called the L-form. Second is the D-form. Both molecules are a spiral shape with the L-form molecule rotating to the left (L for "levo" which is Latin for "left") and the D-form spiraling to the right (D for "dextro," Latin for "right"). The L-form of L-arginine (and most other amino acids) is more compatible with human biochemistry, such that L-arginine is the only form recommended. L-arginine's molecular formula is C6H14N4O2.

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