Saturday, November 26, 2011

Skin Care - Don't work hard when sceince can do all the work!


While we can't promise to make everyone eternally young, we can offer more benefits than any other skin care company on the market. How? From the Aloe Vera plant comes a bounty of natural treasures and nutrients. Aloe Vera will not maintain youthful looking skin indefinitely on its own; it contains no oils to replenish the disappearing fatty layer of the skin. It does, however, increase the effectiveness and penetration of our skin care formulas while nourishing the skin with its many nutrients.

We have combined the stabilized Aloe Gel with the finest emollients and humectants available to help preserve and restore the natural substances essential to healthy skin. Aloe Vera Gel is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of burns and minor skin problems. We do not claim Aloe Vera Juice will cure any internal diseases. However, since it has beneficial properties and is known to be safe, many people, including physicians and patients, use it as an addition to their regular health program. Hundreds of scientific papers describing the activities of Aloe Vera Gel, when taken internally and when applied externally to skin and hair, have been reviewed. Certain characteristics of Aloe Vera are described repeatedly and are well documented.

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I believe that empowerment through knowledge gives a better understand of the mounting issues facing our great nation and the world we live in. With empowerment comes potent and effective change through consumer buying power, active involvement or the constitutional right of speech which can greatly impact the increased economic demand for goods and services that provide that are environmentally accountable. We are proud to endorse, broadcast and promote companies, organizations and individuals that are making a difference with goods, services and Activism that promote viable solutions to the environmental issues facing our world, today.