Thursday, December 1, 2011

King Mo MMA at Strikeforce Houston - Sports Oxygen & Pro Athletes

King Mo MMA at Strikeforce Houston - Canned Oxygen & Pro Athletes
by admin on September 14, 2010
in Sports Oxygen Blog and Articles for Pure Canned Oxygen in a Can, Performance, Products and Research
King Mo Sports Oxygen at Strikeforce
King Mo Sports Oxygen at Strikeforce

King Mo - Powered by sports oxygen for extra endurance and a strong finish.

Does MMA’s Use of Canned Oxygen Signal a Shift in Sports?

You might be familiar with oxygen supplements as being the ones stored in huge tanks used by hospitals. These days, however, there are canned oxygen supplements that almost anybody can use – and not just for medical purposes.
High-performance athletes who would like to enjoy the benefits of breathing 99% pure oxygen can easily do so, with the help of canned oxygen supplements.

Strikeforce Houston Allows Use of Canned Oxygen during Fights

If you’re an avid sports fan, you might have seen canned oxygen supplements being used by football players. But just recently, the Mixed Martial Arts community was surprised to see two headline fighters use canned breathing oxygen during a fight. The Strikeforce MMA event was held in Houston, Texas – and fighters King Mo Lawal and KJ Noons publicly used breathing oxygen.

Fans who think that this supplement is illegal have another think coming – the use of supplemental oxygen was actually ruled legal by the World Anti-Doping Agency. The agency is responsible for making rulings on performance-enhancing substances.

During the Lawal-Noons match, canned oxygen supplements were presented to the Texas Fight Commissioner and both ringside doctors approved its use before and during the fight. At ringside, a canned oxygen supplement was presented to referee Big John McCarthy, who got confirmation from the ringside doctors – and it was allowed to be used by both athletes.

Benefits of Portable Breathing Oxygen

So why did football players get into the habit of breathing through a canned oxygen canister in the first place? What effect does it have when they’re using their physical abilities out in the field?
There is actually no documented or scientific proof that breathing oxygen can enhance athletic performance. What it does is flood the body with oxygen, which in turn brings the following results:
  • Allow the muscles to become more ‘explosive’ by having greater ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate production. This is the main energy source for muscles which is created with glucose and oxygen.
  • Help delay lactic acid production in the muscles.
  • Boost the body’s metabolic lactic acid – which results in faster recovery time after strenuous physical activity.
Breathing in oxygen is also said to improve an athlete’s focus and mental clarity. Let’s take the two athletes who used canned oxygen as an example. During the MMA fight, they were allowed to take deep breaths from the canned oxygen supplement. The result is that both fighters are able to recover almost instantaneously from the physical stress of the previous round – so they can perform better during the succeeding rounds without having to worry about exhaustion.

Canned Oxygen could up the Ante in Sports Events

Next, how will using canned oxygen affect the performance of high-performance athletes as they play their particular sport? There are actually two sides of the coin that need to be considered. On the one hand, most athletic commissions do not allow anything nutritional besides water during boxing, martial arts or similar fights. The conclusion is that if a fighter did not train hard enough so he is unable to sustain his lactic acid production during a match – he should not even be given the benefit of using breathing oxygen.

On the other hand, using breathing oxygen during fights will almost instantly revive an athlete – so he would be able to fight better, for a longer period of time. This means that fights will become more exciting for fans, increasing the sports’ popularity and viewership.

In MMA, one concrete example is the outcome of the Shane Carwin-Brock Lesner fight. During the first round, it was Shane who dominated the game. During the second round, he was already in lactic acid overload so he was unable to fight off Brock. If only he and his camp thought of using canned oxygen, he should have been able to recover more quickly – modifying the results of the match.

Nothing’s more frustrating for fans to watch a highly-anticipated fight, only to have one of the athletes get knocked out so early in the game due to lack of endurance. They’d feel that they have gotten their money’s worth once they see the fight go the distance. This is where canned oxygen supplements come in. Despite its being a relatively new concept in the field of sports, canned oxygen has a huge potential to up the ante in athletes’ performances during sporting events.

Whether it’s martial arts, football, boxing, hockey, tennis, soccer or basketball, the benefits of using canned oxygen will definitely signal a shift in sports – by increasing the endurance and improving the performance of professional athletes.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Healthy Living Products

My true passion for healthy living is sharing the psychological and scientific fundamentals of nutrition. I have meticulously evaluated all my features healthy products which are some of the best in the world for health and overall quality of life. I have search for many years to find nutritional secrets which are unlocked from these amazing products when you put them to work for you. I have always valued the aspect of integrity which is display by offering the finest line of products to ensure your optimal health and the health of those you love. My personal guarantee to you will be that that you will unlock the greatness within yourself with products that catalyze your health, your body’s performance and your overall well-being. Come join me, as we share this passion for life together with health, nutrition and the powerful healing powers of food.

The Food Whipserer Show

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mineral Mountain Krystal Salt - Only Mineral Supplement You Will Ever Need!

Krystal salt is an ancient pure salt that has been compressed naturally over time by great mountainous mass to form a crystal matrix. All the minerals in the salt are attached in a structure that makes the minerals easily accessible by our cells. Our bones and enzymes are actually crystalline structures, so if you put something in your body that matches the body’s structure, it can easily be utilized and taken in by the cell. In crystal salt, all elements are incorporated into a crystalline structure. A good analogy of this phenomenon is a diamond. Chemically, a diamond is simply carbon and coal, but due to specific pressure and temperature circumstances, the carbon atoms in a diamond took on a structure that clearly sets a diamond apart from a piece of coal. Likewise, crystal salt has a different structure than all other salts, having a higher degree of crystallization. This results in a much higher life force field, since crystallization is nature's way of storing life force.

Mineral Mountain Krystal Salt contains natural essential minerals derived from an ancient sea bed deposit. Having been subjected to heat and pressure under the Himalayan Mountains for 250 million years, its structure has formed into a perfect crystal, the way coal becomes a diamond. Unlike processed table salt, which only has two elements, sodium and chloride, Mineral Mountain Salt contains a balanced blueprint of up to 72 minerals and trace minerals which has formed the basis of all life.

The Food Whipserer Show

Beyone Toothpaste - What Toothpaste was meant to do!

Beyond Toothpaste is a scientifically advanced, world-patented, original formula created for superior oral hygiene. Regular use of this product will reduce the symptoms of gingivitis, periodontal disease and bleeding gums, which is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Kosher, all natural, contains no fluoride or sulfates, is non-abrasive, cruelty-free and maintains whiteness, as well as supports the growth of healthy gums.

Beyond Toothpaste removes the undesirable environment of the bacteria with a rapid pH change, which affects their ability to reproduce. The bacteria then lose control with the destruction of their environment and are swept away with the dead cells they feed on. This allows new cell growth in the damaged area of the gums. With the cause of the inflammation eliminated, new cell growth can produce healthy new gum tissue and connective tissue. This hygienic toothpaste supports the growth of healthy gums and provides relief from gum discomfort, elimination of bad breath from mouth bacteria and the need for unnecessary dental visits.

The Food Whipserer Show

Oxygen 4 Energy - Take you Game to the Next Level!

FACT 1: OXYGEN combines with glucose to create ATP, the main energy source for your muscles. The more ATP your muscles have, the more powerful and explosive they will be.

FACT 2: When your muscles don't receive enough OXYGEN to support their exertion, they begin to produce lactic acid, which can cause muscle fatigue and failure. The more OXYGEN your muscles receive, the slower the production of lactic acid and the slower the rate of muscle fatigue.

FACT 3: OXYGEN is needed by your body to metabolize lactic acid in the liver AFTER exercise. The more OXYGEN you get into your body POST-exercise, the faster your muscles can recover.

Oxygen4Energy is the most effective way to flood your body with oxygen BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER EXERTION. Once you try it, you'll see why so many top athletes in so many different sports can't stop raving about it!

Skin Care - Don't work hard when sceince can do all the work!


While we can't promise to make everyone eternally young, we can offer more benefits than any other skin care company on the market. How? From the Aloe Vera plant comes a bounty of natural treasures and nutrients. Aloe Vera will not maintain youthful looking skin indefinitely on its own; it contains no oils to replenish the disappearing fatty layer of the skin. It does, however, increase the effectiveness and penetration of our skin care formulas while nourishing the skin with its many nutrients.

We have combined the stabilized Aloe Gel with the finest emollients and humectants available to help preserve and restore the natural substances essential to healthy skin. Aloe Vera Gel is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment of burns and minor skin problems. We do not claim Aloe Vera Juice will cure any internal diseases. However, since it has beneficial properties and is known to be safe, many people, including physicians and patients, use it as an addition to their regular health program. Hundreds of scientific papers describing the activities of Aloe Vera Gel, when taken internally and when applied externally to skin and hair, have been reviewed. Certain characteristics of Aloe Vera are described repeatedly and are well documented.

4 Life - There is not more powerful immume booster on the planet!

Transfer Factor
4 Life

This product represents 4Life's highest level of immune system support. 4Life® Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula combines the intelligence of Transfer Factor E-XF™, the intuition of NanoFactor™ extract, and the added support of our Cordyvant™ blend to provide the ultimate in immune system support for your body. The proprietary Cordyvant blend features known immune-supporting ingredients such as maitake and shiitake mushrooms, cordyceps, inositol hexaphosphate, beta glucans, beta sitosterol, and olive leaf extract.

Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer immunity information from one entity to another, such as between a breastfeeding mother and her newborn infant. NanoFactor™ extract is 4Life's patent-pending extract of immune system-enhancing nanofractions. It helps “fine-tune” immune system function so that immune cells know when to act, how to act, and when to rest.The extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources is protected by US patent 6,468,534; and the combining process for cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks is protected by U.S. patent 6,866,868.

Independent laboratory tests reveal that 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula can boost immune system effectiveness by raising Natural Killer cell function 437 percent.4Life Transfer Factor products are featured in the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Physicians' Desk Reference For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the standard supplement guide for physicians that can be found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the United States.4Life Transfer Factor® products have been recommended by the Russian Federation for use in hospitals and clinics. This historic announcement was a result of ten separate scientific trials and two experimental studies extolling the benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor products.

4Life Transfer Factor Plus-Tri Factor Formula provides 4Life’s highest level of immune system support, boosting immune cell function up to 437 percent. Representing the most advanced discoveries in Transferceutical™ Science, it combines the power of Tri-Factor Formula (Transfer Factor E-XF™ and NanoFactor® extract) with a proprietary Cordyvant™ blend to support innate and cellular immunity. The messenger molecules found in 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula help educate immune cells and support the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats. Its complete formula promotes immune system function to help maintain optimal energy, and everyday quality of life.

The Food Whipserer Show

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I believe that empowerment through knowledge gives a better understand of the mounting issues facing our great nation and the world we live in. With empowerment comes potent and effective change through consumer buying power, active involvement or the constitutional right of speech which can greatly impact the increased economic demand for goods and services that provide that are environmentally accountable. We are proud to endorse, broadcast and promote companies, organizations and individuals that are making a difference with goods, services and Activism that promote viable solutions to the environmental issues facing our world, today.